Thursday, November 5, 2009

Smartboard and Math

There are lots of wonderful smartboard activities already created and avaialbel online.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Interactive Websites to Engage the Brain

More K-2 Interactive Smartboard Lessons

Enrichment Activities

This is a British site so it is organized in stages rather than grades.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Online Interactive games

This site has four fun interactive number activities. One plays with base ten blocks, one ecourages estimation, another

Monday, December 8, 2008

Math Incentives: Students as Teachers

We tried this idea last year in a math classroom at Addison Middle School as a way to review. The students that participated were very enthusiastic. I can't say for sure how it effected individual SOL scores but the class as a whole had a very high pass rate.

The best way to know if we really understand something is to have to teach it to someone else. We gave students an opportunity to become "student teachers." They were given a teaching contract and could earn math bucks for each lesson they taught. A "lesson" consisted of teaching anyone older then them (parent, grandmother, teenage sibling, principal, teacher after school tutor etc) how to work a particular problem. A special form was used and signed by the adult that received he lesson (sample form). Completed lessons were turned into the teacher for math bucks (sample bucks). After an indicated length of time, we set up a store for students to redeem their math bucks. It amazed me that they were excited to spend 10 math bucks on a small bag of chips.

email me at if you need any more details about this incentive activity.

Smartboard Activities for Math

If you have access to a Smartboard or other brand of interactive whiteboard, you don't have to spend hours creating activities. Here are some other options:

  • Use activities already created specifically for the Smartboard and posted on the internet.
  • Find internet sites that have interactive math activities and games. These work perfect on a Smartboard.
  • Find math templates (number lines, coordinate grids, clocks, thermometers, place value charts, ect ) online that can be used as a starting point for a great Smartboard lesson.
Here are some links to help you get started but searching with GOOGLE will uncover many more. Leave a comment here if you have a great site for Smartboard activities.

Smartboard Lessons:
Harcourt ELabs:
Create a Graph -
Virtual Manipulatives -
Virtual Pattern Bocks -
Virtual Base ten Blocks -
BBC Math Games (the best) -
Scholastic Online Activities -
Scholastic Whiteboard Activities -
Primary Math Games -
Interactive Clock -
Teaching Tools Created by an elementary School -
iMath (has a fee but very good activities):